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How Digital Screens in Retail -
Drive Impulse Spending Among Young Shoppers

New research reveals that digital signage and digital displays in retail, have influenced 17% of individuals under the age of 45 to spend more than they initially intended.

“A survey, commissioned by digital signage consultancy Saturn Visual Solutions and carried out by OnePoll, asked 2,000 UK-based adult workers how they felt about stores that have interactive displays and screens showing product information and videos.

Nearly a quarter of 18- to 24-year-olds (24%) admitted that they’d been persuaded to spend more than they’d originally planned to while in a store with digital displays. The figure dropped to 19% for 25- to 34-year-olds and 15% for 35- to 44-year-olds, before plummeting to 7% for those aged 45-plus.

Men were more likely to find digital signage in shops persuasive, according to the survey, with 17% admitting to splashing out as a result of seeing it, compared with 9% of women.

The research also revealed that 25% of respondents felt that the displays in modern stores made it easier to find about new products, while 22% said shopping in shops with digital displays was more fun and felt more luxurious”.

Article Source: AVinteractive.com

Forefront AV believes this study is a ‘wake-up call’ for retailers who still view digital displays in retail and the use of in store digital signage systems as optional extras. 

In a modern retail environment, you would expect to see various forms of digital displays integrated throughout the store layout. These include touch-interactive digital displays, live streaming of content, large LED video walls, digital Point of Sale (POS) displays, and dynamic, targeted content. Although still in its infancy, the use of Artificial Intelligence A.I powered content creation will be the next giant leap for the AV sector.

We believe that all retailers, regardless of size or geographic location, should enhance the in-store shopping experience by embracing digital technology to increase their customer engagement.

We have a range of options for every budget or project objective, let’s have a chat and see how we can help!


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Digital Screens in Retail
Digital Signage